Während meiner letzten Singapur-Aufenthalte hatte ich einige Gespräche mit dem Intellectual Property Intermediary (IPI) Singapore. Das IPI unterstützt technisch orientierte Unternehmen dabei in Singapur Partner zu finden.
Der Direktor des IPI Dr Tiam-Lin SZE wird im November mehrere Städte in Deutschland besuchen und freut sich über Termine mit interessierten Unternehmen aus Deutschland.
Gerne veröffentliche ich seinen Text hier auf unserem Blog-Magazin.
Ich wünsche allen interessierten Unternehmen gute Gespräche.
Introduction to IP Intermediary (IPI) Singapore
IPI is a non-for-profit organization to assist enterprises in making the most of enabling technology and capability to meet their business needs and growth. Established under the Singapore’s Ministry of Trade & Industry, IPI focuses on addressing the needs by actively sourcing and matching the right technology or know-how to meet their innovation objectives.
IPI connects enterprises to innovation through its team of technology specialists with diverse backgrounds, online and physical technology marketplaces and network of global technology partners. Our personalised support brings together the right people and organisations for collaboration and turns innovation objectives into commercial opportunity.
To meet the growing demand for partnerships with technology-based organizations or companies, IPI is looking for R&D and technology-based companies looking to find licensees or joint-venture partnership development in Singapore to capture the emerging market in Asia.
Dr Tiam-Lin SZE, Director, IPI Singapore will be making a visit to Munich, Breman and Düsseldorf from Nov 9-15, 2014 and he will be keen to get in touch with technology-based companies or R&D organizations looking to find partnership with companies based on Singapore.
If you are interested in meeting him please contact him directly:
Tiam-Lin Sze PhD, CLP
Director, IP Intermediary (IPI)
Phone: +65-6419 6601
Mobile: +65 9793 0573